The Herbster Community Club Welcomes You

The Herbster Community Club Garden Committee refurbished the gardens in front of the Herbster Historic Gym. It was truly a community project under the guidance of club members Maxine Campbell, Sara Mustonen and Maureen Felt. It was an awesome experience for everyone!
We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to:
*The Town of Clover for breaking up the clay soil in the gardens.
*South Shore teachers Beth Hoagland and Jodi Truchon for their coordinating efforts and the eight students that assisted and participated in preparing the gardens with new soil, and woodchips. The students were very hardworking and diligent in this effort. At the end of the garden preparation, each student got to plant a perennial in the newly refurbished garden.
* Silver Sage Farm & Flowers for the beautiful marigolds, petunias, cosmos and salvia.
* Community members from Cornucopia, Herbster and Port Wing who donated extra annuals, perennials and labor!
*Isaksson Lumber Co. for donating woodchips.
*Driessens for donating composted soil.
* George and Cindy for donating pro-mix potting soil.
* Our Club Photographer Sandi Coats
The Garden Committee would love to have more volunteers to help with watering, weeding and planning next years projects.
Herbster News!
The Bake Sale was a huge success due to our wonderful community! ALL proceeds go to Scholarships! We would like to THANK EVERYONE who; donated baked goods, purchased bake goods, assisted with set-up, clean-up, signage and pictures!