Who we are

The Herbster Community Club is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The club is a non-profit organization created to promote educational opportunities for area youth, raise funds for humanitarian and community projects, sponsor activities that beautify and improve the general appearance of the Herbster area, and correspond and coordinate with other organizations and government units on matters concerning the Herbster area. Membership is open to all residents, property owners, and businesses within the South Shore Area of Wisconsin and other interested persons.

What we do

  • Scholarships for qualifying graduates of South Shore High School
  • Spring roadside clean-up
  • Maintain flower planters throughout the community
  • Playground maintenance and improvement
  • Historic Log Gym (Community Center) maintenance and improvement
  • Provide funeral lunches as requested
  • Give flowers to the bereaved and to those experiencing health issues
  • Donate to other causes as decided by club membership

Current Club Officers

  • President: Maureen Felt
  • Vice-President: Joe Csomos
  • Treasurer: Katherine Merrill
  • Secretary: Joie Pacini

Herbster Community Club
P.O. Box 134
Herbster, WI 54844

[email protected]